Choosing keywords for positioning is one of the first problems you need to solve in order to best conduct further actions. In most tutorials you will come across suggestions to use the keyword tools in Google Ads. It’s also worth adding Google Ads campaigns to this list.
When choosing keywords, you’ll ask yourself a few questions that require immediate answers. Among other things: do you want to position general keywords that give you greater ranges or a long tail? Is your domain brand strong enough? Later, it remains to select phrases within a given group. There are constantly new questions. In this case, a well-run Google Ads campaign can be the answer. If you have properly invested in this advertising channel, it may prove to be a great support for you.
In Google Ads campaigns, you can extract a very large amount of data about the searched and clicked keywords and their effectiveness. Both for text and shopping ads. In both cases, you are able to check the keyword that the user entered, clicked on your ad, and then converted (or not).
Where to look for all this information? In the search terms report. After logging in to your Google Ads account, select Keywords from the left menu, then click Search terms in the options at the top.
You import the entire report into a spreadsheet to freely analyze the data and suddenly you discover a sea of data. There are so many keywords here that you don’t know where to start.
You can do several things:
– Leave only those phrases that have brought valuable conversions and focus on them. With this solution, I recommend taking data from a minimum of six months back, preferably one year. Then you won’t be exposed to seasonal data analysis. Additionally, you can expand your word list in the direction of long tail niche phrases.
– Leave only keywords that have a specified minimum number of impressions in the analyzed time range. Here, I also recommend relying on data from a minimum of half a year. Then sort the data by number of views, descending. It is worth referring to the quality of traffic in Google Analytics and leave those phrases that have good results or have converted.
– Group keywords by product category, e.g. filter phrases for whether they contain the word “jacket”, “pants”, “sweatshirt”, etc. Then you need to determine the potential of each of these groups and analyze their effectiveness. However, remember to leave words with the best reach and conversion rates. In this way, the list will actually contain searched and clicked phrases from a given topic.
If you do not want to analyze such detailed data and bury yourself in a huge spreadsheet, you can use the results in Google Ads at the keyword level. You’ll find them in your campaigns. This list will allow you to evalsuate phrases and similar variations in terms of efficiency and profitability for business.
You can also download this data to a spreadsheet, then filter and sort according to your needs. The main difference between this report and the previous one is that here you won’t see exactly what users enter in the search engine, only the keywords from your campaign. In addition, this report does not include data from shopping campaigns.
What can you do with a table full of keywords? Exactly the same as with the search terms report. Depending on the amount of time you have and the amount of data, you are able to prepare and then choose the positioning phrases that will bring the best results. However, regardless of which method you choose, you always get reliable data. Not only about the possible ranges, but also the effectiveness of these phrases (number and value of conversions and conversion rate). Thanks to this, you don’t choose keywords in the dark, based on the “can convert” principle, only according to real performance data.
]]>In the elements of eristics and rhetoric we read: “In statements, keywords should be repeated or replaced with words related to them semantically.“
Of the four advantages of praising (brightness, correctness, appropriateness and ornamentation), repetitions affect two. Thus, thanks to repetitions, the statement becomes clearer (specifically: consistent) and decorative. They will also make it easier for the specialist text reader to remember the most important information.
Have you often heard the phrase: “Replace repetition with a synonym“? Well, I have interesting news for you: a synonym is also a repetition! Only inaccurate. Both exact and inaccurate repetitions and discussions, i.e. periphrases, help to make the text consistent. What repetitions will give the text consistency?
– the same word – when
necessary, e.g. Google
values timeliness. If you expand an old article by adding some new paragraphs
to it, Google will see it and index it again. Although you can replace the word
“Google” with the word “search engine” in this sentence,
Google will be more precise.
– a synonym,
She liked to wear a hat with a feather. The decorative headgear attracted the
attention of passers-by.
– a more
general word, e.g. People surrounded Angelina with a wreath. This squat
woman with a distracted look knew all the latest news.
– replacement
of one name with another, i.e. metonymy, e.g. The actor read the poems of the
master. The words of the master from the forest, heard years later, seemed
different than in school times.
– pronoun,
John made an appointment with Julia. He invited her to a concert of his
favorite band.
– discussion,
or periphrase,
e.g. We ordered a chicken stew. Pieces of meat in white sauce served with loose
rice turned out to be a good choice.
So when should you avoid repetition? And how, if the synonym is also a repetition? Let’s look at the sentence: A terrified neighbor ran out to the staircase. The man shouted: “People, thief!“. Repetition of an inaccurate male neighbor is superfluous and additionally confusing. Is the man who shouted a neighbor or someone else? So let’s apply the most effective editing rule: remove the unnecessary word. A terrified neighbor ran out to the staircase. He shouted: “People, thief!“
Writers, repeating words, do it on purpose. In addition to creativity, rhetoric helps them in this difficult art. Ways of deliberate repetition have already been discovered in ancient times.
According to the rules of rhetoric, repetition belongs to the word figures by joining. Unlike the figures by dropping, which serve to condense the content, the figures by attaching contribute to its elongation. Unnecessary? Only seemingly.
Repetition as an ornament helps to highlight words, draw the reader’s attention to them, and also play with the language. How to create such a repetition? Learn the word figures that will help you.
Poliptoton helps to focus attention on the repeated word
Repeat the same word. In this way, you’ll notice how important it is, e.g. Is there anything more valuable than time? Lost foaming can be recovered, lost time – never. And yet, when we share time with a loved one, we multiply it. Poliptoton will work better in oration than in the text. Very often we hear it in the speeches of politicians who want to emphasize the importance of a thought in this way.
Anadiplosis adds pathos
Begin the sentence with the word that finished the previous sentence, e.g. We are trying to catch up with the world and the world is not waiting for us. In this way you will emphasize the continuity of thought. Ireneusz Iwański aptly notes that anadiplosis gives the expression a shade of pathos.
Anaphora serves to strengthen
Repeat the same word or phrase at the beginning of the following sentences. According to Marek Walas, anaphora enlivens the text and makes it more emphatic. This is probably why you can often see it in advertising slogans, and they repeat it three times, e.g. in the slogan My Life. My world. My furniture. Use anaphora to stress the voltage. Let each subsequent sentence sound stronger than the previous one. Finally, anaphora, from Greek, means “lifting,” for example. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She was so haughty that I was afraid to look her in the eye.
You can repeat the selected word more than three times. Thanks to this, the tension will last even longer. Here is a statement by Captain McAdams about his last boat trip. Subsequent subordinate sentences begin with the word no:
“Not a solemn farewell in New York, not the journey itself without interesting events, not a couple of weeks waiting in Hong Kong for handing over the ship recycling facility, not even the moment of deliberate grounding or leaving the flag. I was most moved by the last descent on the gangway and the reflection from the side of the motorboat taking us. The ship was about to cease to exist. “
Epifora highlights the end of the sentence
If you repeat the same word not at the beginning but at the end of the text passages, you will receive an epiphora. Usually it appears in texts in which the subsequent parts have a similar structure, so they are parallel.
It is difficult to write a few sentences with the thought that each of them
will end with the same word and make the whole sound natural. Despite this, the epiphorus appears quite often in advertising.
Then the repeated word – often the brand name – appears as an
answer to the recipient’s problems, e.g.
New Healthy Brand!
Sore throat? New
Healthy Brand!
Overwork? New
Healthy Brand!
Epanalepsa shows what the point is
Put the repeated word in important places – preferably at the beginning and end of the sentence – to emphasize what you think is the most important, as in the example: History belongs to us and the people create history. Epanalepsa will also add drama.
Diafora discovers a new sense of the word
Use the same word twice, but in such a way that the repetition prompts the reader to think about its proper meaning, e.g. What steel is steel.
Paronomasia encourages linguistic play
Use similar wording with different meanings. In this verbal fun you can also use words that sound the same, but differently written. Advertising often uses paronomasia as a set of words that differ in one or more letters.
All information that reaches you at a given moment goes to the sensory memory, in which it remains for a maximum of 2 seconds. The ones you pay attention to are supposed to be stored in short-term memory for about 20 seconds. From there, the road leads to long-term memory. It will contain only a small part of what you have stored for a moment in short-term memory.
Proposal? Only information that he draws attention to has a chance to get to the reader’s long-term memory. You’ll increase this chance by repeating important words. “Repeating is kind of lengthening attention.“
This way you can also help the reader remember more. Because repetitio mater studiorum est. How and what to repeat in an expert article?
At the beginning of the article, pay attention to the dates you will write about – for the time being to make them interesting. You can ask a question that will direct your attention. For example, at the beginning of this article I asked a question in which two names appeared: “Do you know how to use such rhetorical figures as polyptoton or epanaleps to strengthen the text?”
Explanations and definitions in the further part of the entry will cause that the announced date will be repeated in the article. I described both polyptotonoton and epanalepsis in subsequent parts of the text.
Repetition is also a summary. You can summarize the knowledge after each important passage, or collect mainly thoughts in conclusion, as I will do now:
– Thanks to repetitions, we increase consistency, add expressiveness and
facilitate memorization.
– Exact repetition, synonym,
pronoun, generic word, and discussion affect consistency.
– Accidental repetition often
confuses or delays the content.
– Intentional repetition helps to
focus attention on a selected word, emphasizes part of the sentence, encourages
linguistic play or shows what the core of thought is.
– To make it easier for the reader
to read a specialist text, repeat key terms and summarize messages.
What exactly does the SEO (search engine optimization) service that provides to its clients? Do you have to pay extra for something extra for additional SEO activities? Why positioning is not an instant service and the SEO contract itself lasts up to 12 months? We take a closer look at popular questions that our account managers meet.
Website positioning service is more than just a one-off website review – audit, even in the extended variant combined with the preparation of optimization recommendations. The positioning performed by SEO specialists from begins with an audit of the website itself and the links. The information obtained during them becomes the basis for preparing a positioning strategy including elements such as:
– website optimization, e.g. in terms of speed of operation,
– optimization of meta tags for the
entered in the contract,
– preparation and implementation of
unique, optimized and appropriate length content
on the website,
– linking divided into stages and
diversified in terms of type and source of links,
– redirection,
– introducing improvements and
changes suggested by Google Search Console.
The above list of works is not closed, but contains only examples of activities. A set of positioner works is created for a specific case – the individual needs of a given site. The type of access to the page at the disposal of the SEO specialist is also significant. Full access to the website is very useful for the comprehensive provision of SEO services.
The positioning strategy may change during the contract period. This is due to, among others from observing changes in the algorithm, the website’s response to actions applied by its SEO specialist, or the quality of competing websites. If the positioner observes that the competitors of the website they are dealing with increases the amount of content on their websites, they may, in response, recommend the introduction of larger pools of text also on the website which is under his care. It may also propose the creation of new subpages, e.g. a blog on a website, which will serve as a space for systematic publication of new texts supporting the positioning process.
We are aware that surprising additional expenses during the term of the contract is not what our customers want. To spare them such unpleasant surprises, already at the stage of presenting the offer and packages for SEO activities, we indicate what activities fall within the scope of a particular package. If our client is interested in a selected package, but would like to add something extra to it that is included in another package, then it is worth contacting the client’s representative who will provide a quote for this additional activity. Our goal is to offer SEO services tailored to the needs of our clients as much as possible.
We follow a simple rule that if something has a direct impact on the positioning service, it appears in the package of activities performed as part of the service. That is why we prepare new content for subpages directly related to keywords – this happens as part of the service. However, if our client would like to have texts written by the copywriter for all subpages, including those not affecting positioning, it will be treated as an additional service and as such an extra priced.
It is not possible that we will do some additional work on the website, and only after a while we will inform the customer that this is an extra paid item.
One of the main differences between Google Ads and positioning is that in the case of the SEO service comes to wait for the results (on the other hand, they are more durable than in the case of Google Ads). Depending on the website we are working on, the existing link profile, the extent of optimization, competition, selected keywords and many other factors, we have to wait for the results for several weeks, several months or even a year. Unfortunately, positioning is not an exact science and there are no simple and guaranteed “10 added links = 5 positions increase in results”.
It happens that the very introduction of optimization brings satisfying results in the form of an increase in position. In practice, we can also deal with situations in which e.g. the next round of links brings results and increases occur. This does not mean, however, that previous actions were unnecessary – it is more about the cumulation effect. Due to this certain unpredictability inscribed in the reality of the positioner’s work, we avoid unequivocal declarations and assurances that the client will have to wait 5 weeks for results.
Just as certain actions translate into position increases, so removing them can mean declines. One of the most common cases in this category is removing meta tag optimization. The introduction of appropriate meta tags is one of the foundations of the positioning process.
During the duration of the positioning service, there are necessarily changes in the Google algorithm. Given the dynamics and frequency of their implementation, there is no way that a 12-month positioning contract would not come across them. Positioners don’t know about these changes in advance about the algorithm. Only after a while they can react to them and implement changes on the website adapting them to new realities. The changes in the algorithm should not be associated only with declines in position. It happens that such an update is a chance for quick promotion in search results (and it does not have to be only a temporary increase). The changes in the algorithm are generally geared to supporting high-quality websites – extensive, interesting content, user-friendly (see e.g. the issue of page speed). If our website falls under this trend, then updates can be its ally.
Can you talk about a kind of SEO primer, something that contains the basics of SEO in relation to each page? Certainly, it is something like a website audit, which we presented in more detail in the section “SEO: Positioning – what are we dealing with?” Of this blog article. This meticulously performed SEO audit provides solid foundations for SEO strategies. While the SEO audit is focused on examining a certain pool of “necessary” (it is difficult to imagine SEO activities in this area, e.g. without evalsuating meta tags, the presence of various types of duplicates, the amount of published content or the possibility of indexing the site by Google network robots – these are absolute SEOs basics for internal auditing), then SEO strategies may differ.
There are many sources of differences when it comes to SEO strategies. In this case, we will focus on a few basic and common ones. Of course, there is also the fact that the SEO industry is not exact science. How SEO services are provided by individual positioners depends on their experience, know-how, tools used, etc. SEO strategies will vary depending on whether:
– we are dealing with a new page or history – a good website history is an
undoubted advantage when it comes to SEO services;
– if the page has already collected
links, and if so – what are the links, where do they come from, in what
quantities does the website have them etc .; the current
link profile is important when it comes to preparing an SEO strategy;
– SEO optimization – has it already
been made, is it the correct optimization, or the desired changes can be
applied safely and without problems to the website; the
time spent on website optimization for SEO must be included in the SEO strategy;
– whether the page has not been
punished by Google (we are talking here first of all about manual penalties –
we are able to act to remove such a penalty from the website by appropriate
It is also worth considering that SEO strategies are spread out over time and divided into stages that are performed in a logical order. SEO optimization, and thus its internal improvement, is usually done before linking. Similarly, even the best optimization will not produce results if the website continues to be penalized by Google.
One of the first activities in the positioning process is the implementation and implementation of its optimization on the website. Do you dream of effective positioning?
Optimization is the point that cannot be missed. Specific websites need to be optimized at various levels; not all sites allow the same. Let us expand on these rather enigmatic statements.
Not every page requires optimization to the same extent – this means that there are pages that do not have, for example, errors in the head section that make positioning difficult, have a well-built menu and internal linking, do not have problems with duplicates. In this case, the positioner does not force on related modifications – because he does not have to. This site gets points right from the start. Therefore, it is worth consulting a SEO specialist when planning a new website and then positioning it. He will certainly suggest what to look for and implement at such an early stage. If the current website has already worked out results and e.g. positions in the top10 or close to this top, then it is worth moving to the new version of the website so as to minimize the risk of declines in already developed positions (and this risk always occurs). Here also an SEO specialist can help.
Not every page allows you to perform optimization to the same extent – it is related to access to the website, as well as the technology in which it was made. Positioners receive access from their clients to allow different levels of freedom of action. Not every change can be implemented by an SEO specialist in such a situation. You may need help from the client or a statement that we consciously abandon its implementation and the potential benefits of it.
Positioners benefit from the support of various tools that provide useful data in their activities. An overview of popular tools from the positioner’s bag has already been presented on our blog in this entry and this entry is still valid. The list of 8 tools mentioned there is of course not exhaustive. An interesting case among the tools listed there is Google Search Console. They are distinguished by the fact that it is a free tool (just like Google Analytics) and … it was not created for positioners (Google does not create any tool for SEO specialists), but for webmasters. It is worth connecting them to your website. It provides information about website traffic (although not as extensive as Google Analytics), and also detects errors in the operation of the website. These errors are important not only in the context of SEO. The presence of subpages with 404 errors on the site may adversely affect the behavior of potential customers on the website and discourage them from making purchases. It is worth introducing redirects in this case, so that the potential customer had a reason to stay within the website and get acquainted with the product range that is close to interesting.
It is similar in the case of problems with adapting the website to display on mobiles devices. Given the growing importance of mobiles traffic and the number of transactions carried out in this way, it is not worth discouraging these customers from a hostile website that is not adapted to mobiles devices. Google Search Console indicates which problems the website faces in terms of mobility (if any, in its case).
]]>Online store advertising can bring measurable benefits – provided that it is based on a carefully developed strategy and is well thought out. Therefore, it requires considerable skill and sensitivity – it is important because the slightest mistake can have the opposite effect to the intended one.
– You become visible to network users – Online store advertising has no time limits, therefore you become visible to network users. This is a huge opportunity, considering the fact that every day over 4 billion people use the Internet worldwide.
– You are visible without time limits – Online store advertising can be displayed around the clock – 7 days a week. There are no time limits here, e.g. related to the opening hours of the store. Thanks to this, potential customers can see your offer even when the store is closed. What’s more – if it is an e-store, they can make purchases as soon as they become familiar with the content of the advertising message.
– You adjust the cost of advertising to the budget – Store advertising on the Internet is very flexible in terms of costs. You can customize each campaign to your budget – even the most limited budget. While, for example, $250 is not enough for advertising on the radio or television, such an amount spent on advertising on the web can bring satisfactory results and convince you to in-depth investments in the selected channel.
– You can specify the target group with more precision – You can tailor online advertising to your target group. Using the right tools, you are able to direct the message exactly where it will bring the best results, e.g. increase in sales, increase brand recognition, etc. (If the store’s offer is addressed e.g. to men in the 30-45 age group, the message will reach them In its creation, you can use their preferences or use it to speak “their language”).
– You constantly monitor the effectiveness of advertising – Online store advertising is completely measurable. It is possible to constantly monitor the course of the campaign, which allows you to assess the effectiveness. This way you know which channels bring the best results, and which ones you can opt out because they don’t translate into traffic.
– You can modify your campaign – Online store advertising is characterized by great flexibility. The message can be quickly and easily modified if it proves to be ineffective.
Online store advertising offers many possibilities. Choosing the right channels depends not only on the budget available, but also on many other factors. An important role may be played by, among others whether you run a stationary store or do online sales.
is a series of activities that make a store visible in an internet search
engine. However, the point is not to be in the search
engine at all, but to get there high enough positions
for relevant phrases. Statistics show that the majority
of network users pay attention only to addresses of sites occupying TOP10
search results. This means that the positions on the
following pages reduce the chance of reaching potential customers.
Taking high positions in the search engine is easier when you sell by mail order. You can do, among others store optimization, among others by modifying category descriptions, creating unique product descriptions, creating content within the blog. Publishing articles on external websites is also helpful.
– Google Ads
Google Ads is a paid advertisement
that has two options.
One of them is AdWords campaigns based on sponsored links for specific keywords. When a user types a specific phrase, an advertisement for your store will appear above the organic results.
Another option is the so-called banner campaigns on external websites. The store’s advertisement will be displayed on various portals – when the user clicks, he will be directed to the website of the online store.
– Advertising in social media
Running a Facebook fanpage is one of
the elements of online advertising. However, it is worth
going a step further by opting for paid advertising campaigns. Facebook offers increasingly broad methods of promoting its products
due to the growing pressure of monetizing the whole environment. You can not only start various posts and formats, but also invest in
remarketing, abandoned baskets, lead ads, promotions on messenger
or instagram.
Nothing prevents you from running an advertising campaign yourself. However, you need the right knowledge and various tools can be useful. Lack of experience in this field may result in … throwing money away.
So if you are just starting your adventure in implementing advertising campaigns, rely on the help of experts. By choosing cooperation with an experienced agency, you will better choose the target group, set the optimal duration of the campaign, and choose the right tools. Remember that the budget devoted to cooperation with experts does not have to be larger – aiming at the right actions can translate into savings. With specialists, you won’t go astray and randomly test specific advertising tools.
]]>When we want to show our attitude towards the matter at hand, we should explain why we think so. The reader expects this. This explanation serves argumentation, or persuasion with justification.
In the article Rhetorical mechanisms in scientific popularization we will find four types of arguments with which authors of popular science texts most often justify their views. I’ll add two more to them.
When you want to oppose a view, you don’t have to argue with it right away. Instead, you can accept a thesis you disagree with for a moment, and then develop it until it turns out to be absurd.
Here is an example of the ad absurdum argument:
Already in the upper grades of elementary school, we begin to complicate our style to give the impression of being well-read and competent. We are prevented from simplifying our statements by the fear that we will not sound intelligently. However, if accessible language was indicative of low intelligence, we would have to consider TED speakers not very intellectually developed.
The ad absurdum argument therefore has the following structure: if the thesis that simple language is indicative of low intelligence is true, then what it implies would lead to the absurdity that TED speakers are not very intelligent.
This argument, like the previous one, will be useful when you want to refute the generally accepted view. Show that this view is wrong and justify that the thesis to which you convince the reader is true, for example:
It is said that an internet user gives a website a few seconds at the most to interest him. However, this does not explain the situation in which it opens several pages at the same time to compare products or make a query. Internet users often want to give themselves time and opportunity.
The argument by division can be summarized as follows: as the theory of rapid abandonment of websites has some disadvantages, the thesis that the reader gives himself more time to make decisions must be true.
This is a very intuitive argument type. We usually think that what we defend in the article brings positive consequences, and what we argue with – negative.
However, sometimes the consequences are so obvious to us that we forget to write about them. So think about what effect can be achieved if the thesis you are convincing is fulfilled.
Text written in simple language will be readily processed by the reader. Thanks to this, he will be more likely to believe what he reads and will like it more.
This argument arises according to the formula: the fact that the reader processes simple text smoothly leads to positive consequences, and therefore the thesis that simple style makes reading easier is true.
However, writing in a complicated language leads to negative consequences:
Reading complicated text is not fluent. The reader returns to the same passages, while others quickly glance, which causes frustration.
The strength of this argument lies in the fact that we make the reader aware of the consequences and do not throw them at the mercy of guesses.
If you prepare well for argumentation, you will definitely come across a quote or study that will justify your point of view. Although this query seems tedious, the argument based on the authority of objective scientific research sounds convincing. Let’s look:
It is common knowledge that after reading the first few lines, the Internet user decides whether to read on. Does so much depend on the initial sentences? In one experiment, researchers tried to capture the fleeting moment when the reader decides whether the text will be useful and whether it is worth reading. Strangely enough, in the case of articles later found to be useful, the participants devoted the most attention not to the exact beginning of the text (0-20% of the content), but to the next part (20-40%). Readers expect that in these places, and not at the very beginning of the text, they will find the most useful content.
How much pale this justification would have been if the author had referred only to his own experience.
The pattern by which we create this argument looks like this: the researcher, authority in a given field proclaims thesis X, and therefore it is true.
What is difficult to access seems more valuable. And this applies not only to the limited edition of yoghurts or the last three days of the telephones subscription promotion. Knowledge can also be presented as difficult to access.
Present a little-known application and emphasize that not everyone knows about it. As a result, the reader will feel honored and proud that he has reached valuable information.
Present information as unique, e.g. with terms such as: Not everyone knows that Is it much less common to talk about …
It is often said that an internet reader merely scans text. Much less often why he does it. He wants to find out whether to devote attention and time to the text. If the assessment is successful, the Internet user no longer scans, but reads the text more carefully.
How did you come to the conclusions presented in the article? Tell about it. You will seem more credible and human to the reader when you admit hesitation. To convince the recipient, you can’t stop at confessions. Write where the dilemmas led you and give the recipient a solution, e.g.
When I started blog, I assumed that my readers would be mainly philologists. I honestly used to describe terms such as “multiverbalisms” and “collocationss.” I felt quiet satisfaction that I belong to a club where these words sound familiar.
Later, thanks to comments and e-mails, I found out who was interested in knowledge about writing. Of course, there were quite a few philologists in this group, but also a stewardess, missionary and engineer. I understood that people who want to write do not need to know descriptive grammar. I discovered how fascinating it is to share knowledge with those who do not belong to the same club, although it took me a long time to understand how to do it.
Conducting arguments in the text, you can only guess what views on a given topic are expressed by someone who begins to read your article. He has no definite opinion, or maybe he thinks the opposite.
In the first case, an easier task awaits you. Experiments have shown that if a participant does not have a definite opinion on a given topic, and then, for example, a film showing a position is shown, then two important things happen.
First, the participant’s views are usually similar to those presented in the film. Secondly, and more surprisingly, the participant cannot reproduce the views with which he began the experiment. Only the current ones come to his mind. I don’t even want to believe that he ever thought otherwise.
So if you argue convincingly, there is a good chance that your reader will change his mind, although he probably will not be aware that it happened. It will simply consider your views as its own.
With readers who have a completely different view from yours, it will be much harder. Even the most accurate arguments do not guarantee success, because the opposite positions hide interests that are sometimes difficult to reach. However, it is worth trying because, as we read in the book Daily Rhetoric, opposing positions may arise from reconcilable interests.
For example, someone may feel aversion to simple language because they think that using it will be misunderstood by their professional readers. Have you discovered that this is the business behind your opponents? You can refer to research results in the article, which show that it is not a complicated language that determines how professionals evalsuate the text.
The point is for the reader not to feel forced to change their views, but to be happy that he has expanded his horizons. Not defeated but convinced.
]]>Why do we use borrowings that we can replace with a home synonym? Explanations come to mind without a second thought:
– they are fashionable,
– they sound attractive,
– they seem professional.
These intuitive answers, unfortunately, are quite superficial. I have serious doubts whether, for example, the optimal word, commonly used for years, can be considered fashionable. Does it sound attractive? This is a matter of taste, but I would say that it is rather a clamshell that usually does not attract attention.
The third argument is the hardest to refute, because we often succumb to the illusion that thanks to the complex vocabulary we give the impression of being professional and intelligent. These efforts, however, have the opposite effect. Research says that if we want to be perceived as intelligent people, we should be clear and simple. What you say or write will seem more sensible to others if they understand more.
So, since these three reasons can not withstand critical criticism, why do optimal or comprehensive words work well, and their native synonyms only sometimes take their place in a tentative way? What stands in the way? Wont? Ignorance? Obstinacy? Or maybe there is another reason why we choose these words?
Yes, there is, but about that in a moment.
First, however, I would like to draw attention to something that can easily escape because it seems obvious. Should language users be disciplined, or rather a clue to them? Is replacing a loan with a native synonym a good advice? This is certainly one of the ways that helps reduce these words in the text (yes, reduce, because I do not think that one should completely give up), but not the only one.
There are at least four of these ways. The editing of a text does not have to be limited to exchanging one word for another. It can be much more creative.
This method, seemingly simple, requires looking at your own text from a distance. Let’s take the term integrated platform. Is it absolutely necessary to emphasize this integration? Or maybe it would only add the seriousness of the statement? If the word is an empty ornament, let’s deal with it bluntly. If, on the other hand, the platform has many functions, we should exchange them in the form of bullets.
Let us assume that the comprehensive word is indispensable in our text. We refer to the dictionary in which we find the following synonyms: “comprehensive, general, cross-sectional, systemic, versatile, broad”. Seemingly, each of them is apt. The matter becomes more complicated when we try to place them in the text. We are overwhelmed by the unpleasant feeling that we did not want to express it. Why is this happening?
First, one should ask why, out of a whole lot of words that we could borrow from English, we choose just those, and not others. We return to the question I put at the beginning of the text. I then rejected three intuitive answers. She announced that there is also the fourth, the most rational one. Well, words borrowed very often contain some nuance, which is missing from their English counterparts.
So let’s not settle for the first of the synonyms. When in doubt, let’s get back to the original English-language definition, and then correctly match the equivalent. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the word “complex” means “containing a lot of different but related parts.” Among the native synonyms: “comprehensive, general, cross-sectional, systemic, versatile, wide”, the most convenient, in my opinion, is the word “versatile.” Of course, its accuracy depends on the context.
Let’s say we want to replace the word dedicated in the term dedicated training materials. Native synonyms intended for and specialized in, require additional definition and therefore do not concisely express the original meaning, which is “designed to be used for one specific purpose.” The English word thus contains a sense that we would have to express in a descriptive way.
But do we necessarily have to look for a synonym? After all, our text is not engraved in stone. Maybe it will be possible to replace a generic word dedicated to a precise term that says something more about materials, and additionally does not raise any doubts about correctness? For example, hand-drawn training materials or exercises based on the client’s texts. Yes, these terms are long, but they emphasize what distinguishes training materials, and this is what a dedicated word was supposed to serve.
When we fail to find the right replacement, we can change the construction of the entire sentence. This method will work especially in the case of participles (eg realized), which can extend sentences to infinity. And so, instead of the investment implemented as part of the X project, we can write an investment that arises thanks to the X project. The implemented word has disappeared, and the sentence now rules in the verb.
It may also happen that none of the four ways will pass the exam in your text. Even if the borrowing is widely used in the industry and facilitates communication. This is the fifth, perhaps the most important reason for using it. Is it wrong that we decide on a word of marketing jargon or an official language? Not necessarily.
In his speech, Marek Walas asks the question: “What makes the word true?” According to the speaker, the author of the dictionaries does not decide about it. They have to pick up words that will survive, but they do not want to look like chasing after fashion. They make human decisions, and these are wrong.
In retrospect, some complaints about words seem ridiculous. For example, Benjamin Franklin stunned the word “colonize.“
Marek Walas notes that the same words appear in the plebiscites of forbidden words and contests for the word of the year, which means that both the first and second body notices words that take on significance but have a different attitude towards them.
And we can also choose one of these two attitudes. Do language changes interfere with us and raise our anxiety? Or maybe we treat them as a funny, interesting and worthy part of living language? “I will be honest. I do not like the word prominent, but it is irrelevant in the face of the growing popularity of the word in the general language and written prose – says Walas. – I want to say that you have to be more careful in deciding which change is bad. We need to be more cautious about imposing our beliefs about words on others. (…) If you use a word and know what it means – this is true. This word may belong to slang, it may be colloquial, you may think that the word is illogical or unnecessary, but the word used is true.”
]]>SEO is a series of activities that aim to achieve the highest position in natural search results by a given website. This process consists of “on page” activities like the optimization of the website itself (this action is known as SEO – Search Engine Optimization), as well as “off page” work carried out outside the website itself. One of the most important ranking factors is unique content.
Some people still want their content to be written by hand. They’re used to create sentence after sentence and rewrite articles to ensure content quality. Although it is the simplest practice, it can take many hours or days to achieve.
But there are also the people who are either too lethargic to rewrite their article or recognize the meaning of time and are therefore looking for a free paraphrasing tool. If you are like the majority of people who know a value of your time, you have come to a perfect place.
Paraphrase Online is the best article rewriter on the web. It changes single words and phrases very quickly, and what’s most imprtant – accurately. To put it briefly: Google likes when content is unique and does not like it when they are replicated in the same form between different websites. This makes sense, because in order to provide users with the best quality possible search results, information can not circulate on the web in the same form. There is always a chance to describe a question with other words and to look at it from different angles. Therefore, the mentioned uniqueness is rewarded. If you have the right knowledge for your industry and you’re equiped with a free rewording sofware like Paraphrase Online, nothing will stand in your way!
]]>Baker, however, cited several new, interesting facts, fighting against the stereotype that Google was a “blunt tool” displaying only those pages that contain the words we entered into the search engine. If that was the case, positioning would be very easy. Quoting the words of Matt Cutts: “The truth is that Google can do more than we can imagine.“
Synonym recognition by Google is becoming more and more common. It’s not just about identifying words that differ, for example, in the grammatical type or number. What is new is that Google already recognizes synonymous passwords coming from outside of one word formation group.
The better the search engine will recognize the semantic text layer, the more precise its search will be. Already today, thanks to the use of the little-known function “near the information” (Wonder Wheel), we can see that Google is great at finding related expressions. Although at first glance, the tool looks like a little useful gadget, it is really very interesting.
According to Steven Baker, out of 50 phrases, in which synonyms significantly improved the search results, only one was used improperly.
In the light of the above information, it can be concluded that a new era of SEO copywriting and positioning is coming. The intelligent search engine will combine the synonymous words into semantic groups, and thus the search will become even more precise.
The recognition of synonyms by Google also has a positive effect on the quality of the texts published in order, in general, positioning – that is, adjusting the page to Google’s effective indexing. Along with the increasingly expanded dictionary of the most popular search engine, it becomes possible to create texts saturated with key expressions and at the same time friendly to the reader.
By introducing such improvements, Google emphasizes the importance of one of the most important key factors in positioning, website optimization – good, unique and valuable content.