At the very beginning, it is worth considering why build links at all? Google’s algorithms are complex and are constantly evolving. However, link building has for many years remained an important factor that Google uses to determine the position of a given website. Well-built links are an important signal to Google that your website is a valuable resource worth citing and showing to your visitors. Therefore, websites with more backlinks tend to rank higher.
Important: There is a good and a bad way to link to your website. If you care about long-term profitability, you should only engage in natural link building, which is the process of gaining links, not buying or achieving them through manipulative tactics. These types of practices are called black hat SEO and can even cause your website to be removed from search results. In the article below, we will discuss the most important issues that you should keep in mind when it comes to link building, which will improve your organic rankings without violating Google’s guidelines.
Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. Hyperlinks (usually just called a link or a link) allow you to navigate between pages on the Internet. Search engines, on the other hand, use links to index the web. They index both links between individual pages on a given site and links between individual web pages on a given site.
This type of link building takes time. It consists in creating valuable content to which other websites will want to refer their users. It is related to defining your target group and its needs. It is worth considering what content recipients are looking for and what they want to learn, and then create content that will be interesting and engaging for them.
This is the type of link building that will also be most effective. It is based on a genuine desire to connect with your audience. These types of interactions form the basis of well-established online dialogue and communication. Journalists, writers and editors of other websites, after reading the valuable content, will find it worth publishing, in other words, worth a link.
One of the biggest mistakes website owners make when it comes to link building is over-focusing on the link itself, not the content it leads to. Your content should be valuable to generate impressions, engagement, and most importantly – conversions.
Links are a very important determinant of the authority of a website. After searching the web pages, search engines can extract their content and add it to their indexes. Thus, they decide if the page is worth enough to get high ranking for the relevant keywords.
When classifying pages, search engines not only analyze the content of the page, but also take into account the number of links pointing to a given site from external websites. The quality of these external sites is also important. Overall, the more high-quality sites linking to your website, the more likely you are to rank well in search engine results.
It is also true to say that links appear naturally as a result of other marketing activities that are not primarily aimed at generating links. For example, if you introduce a new, really innovative product, you will likely end up with lots of backlinks to your website as a result. Likewise, if you create interesting content that will be the best and complete guide to a topic in your industry, other sites will want to send their audience to your article and you will get links as a result.
Both creating a new product and posting great content are not for link building, but links are a consequence of doing so. Therefore, it makes sense to think of link building not as a standalone activity, but something that connects with other activities of your company, the benefits of which go beyond link building.
SEO people often want the benefits of a single referring link to span the entire domain, not just the single linked page. One way to do this is through internal linking, which is by placing a link on the landing page that points to another page on the same domain. This is an effective method of spreading your authority and standing on your site. It is true that Google does not measure internal links the same way as external links. However, it is essential that the domain contains both internal and external links to maximize its ranking potential.
Internal links are not as valuable as external links, but they help Google understand your website’s structure, which can be helpful for SEO. An example of this is our free text paraphrase tool based on artificial intelligence.
As you may be aware, not all links are created equal. We have already mentioned that Google takes into account not only the number of links referring to a given domain, but also analyzes the quality of the pages from which the links come. In link building it is very important that the backlinks come from websites that themselves have strong SEO metrics. Not all links are created equal, and links coming from the wrong sites can actually harm your link profile. For Google, this could be a sign that the website is using SEO manipulative practices, which could lead to its being blocked from search results.
High-quality websites that will enable you to implement effective link building should:
– have high domain authority and low spam score,
– generate a lot of organic traffic and traffic from social media,
– answer the topic or industry to your website,
– have a healthy backlink profile.
Few people may be aware that the position of a link in content on a website is also very important for its effectiveness. If a link to a website is placed at the beginning of the content, search engines assign it a higher value than the links appearing further down the page. In addition, it is important to bear in mind that link building campaigns aim to embed the link in the main body of the text, not in the sidebar or page header. Spam links or advertisements are usually placed in these places. Google is cautious and, in most cases, classifies links outside of the main content as significantly less valuable.
If you are new to link building, the amount of information associated with creating a link profile may seem overwhelming to you. In the case of small businesses, it is worth using the potential of local SEO and publishing guest posts on high-quality websites in the first place.
Listing your website address in local business directories is relatively inexpensive. One of the best options for getting a big boost in local search results is to create a listing for your business on Google Maps. Almost a third of all mobiles searches are locations-based, and local SEO can help search engines better understand your locations, markets served, and how customers can reach you.
For unlinked sites, local SEO is a great way to start creating trust signals. Not only will they make your website more prominent in search results, but they will also give you backlinks from well-established sites with high traffic.
Not only the content posted on your website can help in link building. Publishing guest posts on other websites is an equally effective and, what is worth emphasizing, practice in line with Google’s guidelines. This tactic involves creating and offering content that may be of value to the audience of the website where the article will be published.
If you are a specialist in a given field, you can ask the owners of a high-quality website to write an article for them in which you will link to your domain. When presenting your proposal, briefly describe what you want to write about and indicate the value of the recipients of the page who read the article. Guest posts, apart from the possibility of obtaining a link, have one more, very important advantage – they allow you to build relationships with other websites and expand your professional network of contacts.
We hope this article helped you understand what link building is and why it is so important to SEO. Link building is a very broad topic, but if done correctly, it can bring amazing results for your website traffic and affect your Google ranking. If you have any questions about link building or need additional SEO help, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will help you get high ranking positions in a profitable and, above all, long-term way.
]]>Behavioral factors are elements that make your website more visible in SERPs. Specific aspects depend on the specifics of the industry in which we operate and the specific key phrase. According to Paraphrase-Online specialists, the position is influenced by, among others:
– time spent on the site,
– repeatability of inputs,
– number of subpages per session,
– bounce rate,
– CTR of the selected keyword and the entire domain.
It is also worth mentioning that behavioral factors make it possible to distinguish a valuable website for both users and Google robots from a website that is only properly optimized. That’s not all, because behavioral factors are distinguished by resistance to all BHS (Black Hat SEO) practices, which means that the website is more protected against the imposition of special filters by search engines.
The bounce rate shows the exact percentage of visits to the website that resulted in a maximum of one page view. According to Google’s standards, the more time the user spends on the website, the better it is for the internet user.
It cannot be clearly determined whether search engines treat the bounce rate as a priority element, but based on many years of experience and SEO analysis of websites, we can say that it is a very important factor. It will allow us to make sure that the domain meets the expectations of users in terms of attractiveness.
There is a lot of controversy around behavioral factors. Google does not take them into account in the first place, because they can be easily manipulated, as the direct competitor of the Mont Blanc giant – Yandex – was painfully convinced. Well, for some time its owners were strongly influenced by CTR from SERPs, which resulted in companies creating or buying thousands of bots entering specific key phrases into the search engine and clicking the appropriate link to generate traffic.
We should also remember that behavioral factors are not always the correct determinant. This is due to the fact that often shorter time spent on the website means a friendly shopping path (e.g. in the e-commerce industry), but when reading a blog, the opposite is true, which would make it difficult for algorithms to recognize the value of a website based solely on behavioral factors.
The official factors influencing the ranking of your website on Google are primarily on-site and off-site aspects. The first of them (on-site) are responsible for the interpretation of a specific site by indexing robots. The second (off-site) is not directly related to the site, but thanks to activities within it, they affect the position in SERPs.
On-site factors
– navigation;
– content quality;
– site structure.
On-site factors are primarily aspects influencing the user experience, which is achieved through the use of a given website. In this case, it is worth paying attention to internal linking to facilitate navigation through the site and content, which should bring substantive value to Internet users.
Off-site factors
– external link-bulding,
– mentions of the site or brand on other pages,
– creating sponsored articles with a dofollow link (external link-building element).
Off-site factors are based on external linking with a dofollow link. All sponsored articles and viral content are welcome if they have a specific value and arouse user interest.
Behavioral factors are indirect aspects used to verify the position of a selected domain in SERPs. Google takes note of them, but they are not prioritized in terms of SEO. If we were to define one behavioral coefficient analyzed by Google – it would be the CTR. Its size is analyzed on a case-by-case basis and very often compared with other sites with a similar position in SERPs.
]]>For more experienced marketers it is obvious, but still entering the pages of various businesses is short of this short script that allows remarketing. Of course, not every website on the internet needs a pixel and Facebook advertising, but if we are thinking about this form of advertising or are just starting to operate on this platform, pixel is one of the first things we should be interested in.
Pixel is a tracking code that allows you to create remarketing groups. The script connects the person who enters the page with the Facebook account. Thanks to this, by creating an ad, we can reach people who, e.g. have visited your website within 45 days. These groups include people who know your brand through the website. It is therefore the hottest type of recipients, and not using them and letting them go into oblivion is a flaw for the marketer.
Delving into the technicalities and specifics of this script, you will soon discover that you can add conversion events and parameters to it. What does it mean? This means that you can optimize your campaign for a specific conversion, e.g. purchase or filling out a form. Thanks to event installation, you will also learn how many conversions and values were made after clicking on the advertisement. By combining pixels with a catalog (product feed), you can start displaying dynamic remarketing, in which you will show a personalized advertisement with a specific product to the person who has previously viewed the site.
The previous point concerned the remarketing group from the site. These are extremely valuable recipients. What about the moment when we want to reach new potential customers with the advertisement?
Of course, we can use the classic method, i.e. directing advertising to groups built on the basis of demographic data, i.e. locations, age, gender, interests or behavior. However, we can let Facebook do all the magic for us. Then he will choose those who will most often use our services. Sounds beautiful? Indeed it is. The only thing we have to sacrifice to the platform are our remarketing lists. Of these groups, e.g. 5000 people who visited the site (data from the pixel) within 30 days, Facebook will prepare a list of 200,000 people in the country similar to these people. In the source, each of the 5000 people is hundreds of data that the platform analyzes and searches for profiles with similar characteristics within a given country. You can also create Lookalike based on the list of people who interacted with your Facebook page. Then even the remarketing list obtained from the website will not be needed.
As you can see, at first Facebook Ads are mainly groups of so-called standard, i.e. demographic. Over time, however, as you gain experience, you’ll start to use a combination of remarketing lists and lookalike groups.
This is the only thing the recipient sees. Not your settings, not the purpose of the campaign, but graphics or video and text are the only point of real contact with the recipient – if this point fails, your campaign will not have a chance of success.
Settle in as the recipient. You are viewing the feed on Instagram or Stories on Facebook. In what form would you like to see your ad? Stock image without an ad slogan and unclear text, unmatched by mobiles? Or maybe eye-catching graphics with a slogan in the form of Call To Action, the right button and a short, understandable advertising text? It is obvious. Unfortunately, advertisers often focus on complicated audience settings and bids, and neglect the only thing that the viewer really sees.
To create the perfect creation, I suggest you follow these guidelines:
Ad text – Probably your ad will be displayed on mobiles, so try to include a maximally simple message in the first three lines that you will see in the preview of the ad in the mobiles feed version. The text can be long and the recipient willingly clicks “view more” to read it, but you need to catch attention through the first, one or two sentences, e.g. to solve the problem of the recipient with the first few words. In the following you can write what you want.
Graphics / Video – does it also stand out in feed / stories? Gets attention? Is it clear and you know what the advertiser meant? Do you know what you, as the recipient, should do after the ad? Is the format adapted to the locations? Is the graphics on Stories vertical (sample format 1080 × 1920) and in the feed square (1080 × 1080) which significantly improves the reception? Is the advertisement based on stocks that everyone already knows or maybe on their own interesting graphics / photos?
Ad headline – Short and succinctly, this should be the headline. It can take the form of a call to action.
Button – If you offer the sale of t-shirts, you will not use the “fill in application” button, eg “buy now”. The “more information” button has already taken care of everything, change it!
When launching a Facebook Ads advertising campaign, we set the target, audience in the ad set, and the ad itself. Let’s stop for a moment while developing the middle part, i.e. the group of recipients. We usually set up one and publish the campaign. But why not use two or more and give the algorithm some room to work? Almost every group can be divided into two, at least according to age, locations or gender. Thanks to this breakdown and the simultaneous use of CBO, i.e. optimization of the budget campaign at the level of setting the advertising goal, we will allow the algorithm to experiment and select a group that converts better, i.e. results, e.g., at a lower cost.
We wouldn’t know about it by broadcasting a campaign with one audience.
The same applies to advertising in a set of ads, i.e. graphic or video creation. It’s worth testing different headlines, other texts or even entire graphics. After a while we will notice which performs better. Then we can stop the emission of the weaker creation and implement another one for testing, which may prove to be better than the one that won in the previous test.
It happens that after one day we receive information from the customer that, e.g. one campaign or advertisement works better than the other, and that the worse one should be turned off. With a relatively low budget, absolutely one day of issue is not a representative sample of data on the basis of which you can make radical decisions such as suspending an element of the campaign (e.g. audience). Let the ads take a few days, 3-7 days is the right range to evalsuate the effect of our actions.
]]>In the past, direct interpersonal relationships have been a standard way of getting business contacts. Admittedly, there were occasions to establish cooperation by phones, although the human factor still played a significant role. The situation has changed significantly as a result of dynamic technological development.
It can be said that the expectations of contractors have turned 180 degrees. At present, business customers require more from interaction with sales representatives in the early stages of negotiations. They require in-depth attention known to them from other purchasing processes. And rightly so!
Google joined forces with The Boston Consulting Group to see how much impact the mobiles market has on the realities of the B2B sector. Interactions carried out by mobiles devices turned out to generate on average over 40% of revenues in leading organizations. Interestingly, the rule described applies more to enterprises that focus more on trade than marketing activities.
mobiles drivers, or influences, an average of over 40% of revenue in leading B2B organizations.
Consumers are now comparing your options to the best digital experience they’ve ever experienced. Thus, mobiles devices also play an important role in the B2B sector. According to statistics, as much as 50% of business queries come from smartphoness and tablets. The Boston Consulting Group predicts that by 2020 the scale of this phenomenon will be 70%. However, it should be remembered that these data come from the US market.
However, business customers use technology at every step. They use mobiles technologies to work, and also perform many tasks simultaneously using several screens. Employees are no longer attached to the desk. Instead, they are increasingly working from home. In addition, mobiles technologies enable them to remain productive during business trips.
Customers from the B2B sector are also devoting more and more time to the use of mobiles technology. Currently, research shows that they spend two hours in front of the display. Statistics in this matter are significantly overstated by younger generations of recipients. Forecasts show that by 2020 consumers will use smartphoness and tablets for an average of three hours a day.
50% of B2B search queries today are made on smartphoness. BCG expects that figure to grow to 70% by 2020.
Increased usage is not just empty statistics. This state of affairs directly translates into business results. BCG revealed that mobiles technologies speed up purchasing time, which naturally increases revenues and reduces investment costs. The smartphones can reduce the purchase time by 20%. This state of affairs greatly facilitates decision making and facilitates team collaboration.
The skilful use of mobiles technologies increases the level of engagement, which takes the form of search queries, increased website traffic, acquisition of potential customers and conducting transactions. The mobiles market is also characterized by a higher customer loyalty rate. Along with positive experiences, loyalty and frequency of repeated purchases increase.
Benefiting from the use of smartphoness and tablets requires an appropriate attitude. First of all, mobiles technologies should become the basis of business strategy. It is also worth presenting the content in vertical orientation. Thanks to this they look much better on displays. In addition, you must combine your own data with information collected from recipients. The combination of these three factors will increase the effectiveness of operations.
]]>Website positioning is not an easy task. It requires constant monitoring and analysis of conducted activities, as well as adaptation to changing Google algorithms. The difficulty of this task means that many companies (even those micro) decide to cooperate with SEO agencies. However, there are also some daredevils who want to position their website on their own. This can be tempted when:
– you have a lot of free time – positioning requires not only knowledge but
also large resources of free time; this is often a full-time job, so if you
want to combine it with acquiring and servicing clients, marketing
and accounting, then you have to focus on failure;
– you have a limited SEO budget – the salary of a
good SEO specialist may be too high for many companies (especially those
entering the market); so if you don’t have the right budget, you can implement
the first SEO activities yourself; this will reduce the cost of doing business
while not losing visibility in the search engine;
– you are passionate about SEO and want to develop
your knowledge and test in practice; in this situation, working on SEO of your
own site is a great idea;
– you can afford to use the trial and error method
– without extensive knowledge of SEO, and yet wanting to position the site
yourself, you need to prepare for mishaps (including financial); often part of
the budget is lost on independent positioning; errors can also lead to a
decrease in the position of the page in the search engine, a decrease in
website traffic, and thus a decrease in sales.
Positioning is a complex process. That is why you should do an SEO audit of your site before you join it. Its task is to check which activities are carried out correctly and which ones should be improved or implemented additionally. The SEO audit is also intended to show whether the technical background allows smooth implementation of optimization changes.
It is worth remembering that when auditing the page, pay attention not only to technical issues, but also to the functionality of the site, visual attractiveness and other factors that can reduce the conversion rate. What should definitely be checked during the audit is:
– Website indexing – positioning cannot be discussed if the website will
not be displayed in the search engine; the first step is to verify your site’s
indexing; this can be done by typing in the search engine: site: domain – all subpages and pages indexed in Google will appear in the results;
if your site is not appearing, please send a request to have it crawled by
Google Search Console; it is worth returning the indexing request if something
has changed on the page;
– Metadata on the page – they determine the
content of a given subpage; they are important to both Google robots and users;
metadata should be on every page of the site; you should ensure that they are
prepared in accordance with the guidelines, i.e. have the appropriate length
and content of keywords.
– Headlines in published content – they are of key
importance in positioning; headlines H1 and H2 have the greatest weight, but it
is recommended to use these H3-H6.
– Page loading speed – this parameter affects not
only SEO, but also the convenience of using the website; a page that is loading
too long will cause the Internet user to leave it before it opens; the loading
speed of the website can be checked using the free Page Speed Insights tool
provided by Google; if the loading speed is not satisfactory, then corrective
actions, e.g. image compression, will be necessary.
– Adaptation to mobiles devices – website
responsiveness is one of the basic factors affecting SEO; whether the website
is responsive can be checked by performing mobiles optimization tests;
– Optimized URL – links to individual subpages
should be friendly to Google’s algorithm and users; it must be unique, legible
and provide information about what is actually on the site.
– Website structure – it is important that it is
legible and intuitive; it should have a simple navigation system; this will
help in positioning and avoid high bounce rate.
– SSL certificate – it ensures that all data sent
by the website is protected; lack of encryption protocol will mean low
security, worse conversions, as well as poor website credibility; certificate
ownership can be checked using SSL verification tools.
– Inbound links – high quality inbound links
currently count in SEO; they should not be placed on suspicious sites that may
be negatively evalsuated by Google’s algorithms; the quality of incoming links
can be checked through free tools available on the Internet.
The next step after the audit is to prepare an SEO strategy. It is extremely important when positioning yourself. It will allow you to implement subsequent optimization changes in turn. The SEO strategy should cover the most important issues such as: keyword list, website content, link building. It’s a good idea to check how competitors that find high positions in the search engine, present their content, products, services, competition.
Independent positioning of the site, it is worth starting with the activities carried out on the site, i.e. on-site. Internal positioning is based on several important issues.
The first is keywords. A lot depends on their proper selection. When choosing them, check among others do they really match the website theme, are they useful, what is their competitiveness. The selected keywords should be grouped so that they coincide with subsequent stages of the sales funnel. Thanks to this it will be possible to reach customers at every stage of purchase.
Many people positioning the site independently, choose keywords based on experience in the industry. This is a good solution if you want to create a wide list of phrases. Searching for keywords is good if you pay attention to long-tail phrases, those related to keywords (creating the so-called thematic contexts), informational key phrases (answering the users question), commercial key phrases (containing the brand name).
The content posted on the site is very important. When preparing those to help in SEO, you should pay attention to both their attractiveness, as well as editing and appearance. The texts published on the website must be interesting, practical, written in a simple and friendly language, and above all unique – Google does not like duplication of content. The whole should be divided into logical paragraphs separated by headings H1-H6 and also have at least 3000 characters including spaces. A good recommendation is also putting on content in the material, without ornaments, not saturated with adjectives and keywords.
The properly used multimedia will also help in positioning the website. Graphics or video are a natural complement to the texts. They visualize the described issue, they can present a product or service. However, for photos / videos to improve SEO, they need to be properly optimized. Most important is the alt attribute read by Google.
When running a small website with services, internal linking must be carried out. To this end, while building a blog, we construct content to include keywords for which particular services are positioned. Under these keywords on the blog we put internal (intertext) links that direct to services. As a result, Google “raises” internally linked landing page positions.
The readability and intuitiveness of the site is UX – user experience. This concept conceals the impressions and feelings of users who reach the site. The more friendly the navigation and layout are, the higher the conversions. If you want to take care of UX, positioning the page yourself, you should take care of: the structure of the website, usability, adaptation to mobiles devices, valuable content, voice search. Friendly UX, however, consists of many more factors: appearance, feelings, usability, website goals, content transparency, language used, color used.
When positioning the website yourself, you cannot neglect external activities. They mainly focus on obtaining links from valuable websites and eliminating those on low-rank websites. Link building, however, is not the only task in off-side positioning.
Link Building is one of the most important positioning pillars. The lack of incoming links is the main reason for the lack of high position in Google. Link Building in positioning is a very broad topic. The most important thing in independent positioning, however, is to place links to valuable websites. These are primarily considered to be those related to some degree to a positioned website, as well as those of high authority. It is also desirable to get dofollow links.
Linking is also important for SEO. There are several possibilities here. A link to positioning the page can be placed by linking the key phrase (exact mach) or its altered version, or a semantic keyword (partial mach). Often, zero macht linking is used, i.e. the key phrase is linked, but the word here is. You can also link the company name or paste the exact URL into the text.
This is a business card that largely translates into improved SEO. You have to create your business card yourself. The entire process of establishing it is 5 steps and includes providing the most important information about the company. The business card is created after data verification by Google. It is worth focusing to provide accurate data on working hours, address, products, type of business, website address. It is also advisable to place photos and opinions, i.e. social evidence.
Independent positioning of the website is a time-consuming process, difficult for many people, but possible. Using the check list above, you will perform the most important actions that will allow your website or online store to achieve a high position in Google. It is worth remembering, however, to look at each of these steps thoroughly and deepen knowledge in the field of individual elements affecting positioning. It should be realized that there is no universal recipe for website positioning. Different activities work in every situation. This is why, in many cases, achieving high positions in search engines is the result of a combination of creative approach, knowledge of the industry and experience in SEO.
]]>Before we get to know the guidelines for all kinds of content placed on websites, at the beginning it is worth considering why we need them at all. They help increase both the number of search impressions and sales.
The first of these is values flowing to users. We should remember that online stores are run primarily for customers, so it is worth encouraging them to familiarize themselves with the offer. The home page is a showcase of the company, we should present our business on it and show the user why shopping on our website is worth it. Not without significance is the writing style, which should be properly selected for the target group. Content is therefore a great way to build a lasting relationship with the user. Very often, however, it turns out that when entering our site, the user knows what to expect from it. For this reason, the content is placed at the bottom of the page so that the most important categories or products for users can be in the foreground.
The second purpose for which content should be placed on the page is Google value. The inclusion of relevant keywords that will show the search engine what we do will prove to be significant in achieving high positions in the serpentine. For this to happen, we must also take into account the uniqueness of the texts and their naturalness. This type of content will definitely be rewarded by Google, which is much more willing to show in the search results valuable pages that provide the most information, especially those valuable to users.
Properly constructed content is a key element on the site that is supposed to inspire the trust of both users and search engine robots.
The content should be properly in every place of the online store. So we will place it on the main page, categories, subcategories and products. The rules for formatting text will be the same for all components of our site. However, their content will differ, which should accurately describe what is on a given subpage.
So what should content contain to make it valuable not only for Google, but also for users?
– Headlines
This is a key element that increases the number of entries, which sets the hierarchy of importance of content on the page. The correct structure of the text should contain one H1 heading and two H2 headings. They will show users the most important aspects of their business, and including keywords will help them increase their position on Google. You can read more about headers in our previous post: What are website headers?
– Keywords
If we want to ensure high positions in the SERP, we must not forget that our content contains the right number of key phrases for the main page, category or products. In this regard, attention should also be paid to the appropriate variation and synonyms of the most important words, so that the texts will look more natural. We do not have to worry about Google – his robots perfectly understand numbers, declination or cases. Remember, however, not to overdo it with the number of key phrases, as this may be considered a manipulation, and our site may be subject to a penalty. Content with a length of e.g. 300 words should contain max. 2-3 unchanged keywords matched to a given subpage.
– Text formatting
This is important for customers for whom the content becomes more readable and transparent. It is much easier to read the text, which is divided into paragraphs. This is also appreciated by Google, for whom users and their convenience are the most important. In this case, the use of Black Hat SEO, i.e. hiding content by setting the font in the background color will be severely punished by Google.
– Internal linking
Added in the content will help users navigate our site, and placing links to categories or products in anchors on the appropriate keywords will positively influence the position increase in search results.
Now that we’ve learned the most important features that content should contain in an online store, let’s consider what are the guidelines for the texts on individual subpages:
– Content on the home page
– Content on categories
– Content on products
1. Content on the home page
The content on the home page is designed to provide users with as much information as possible about what our business is about.
– Total text length: 300-500 words.
– The text must be unique – it cannot appear on
any of our other subpages (eg in the “about us” tab). It is important
that it is also not copied from the competition.
– The aforementioned appropriate text formatting
is welcome. The content does not have to be compacted in one block, on the
contrary – its division into several paragraphs, located in different places on
the main page will look more aesthetically pleasing. However, remember to set
appropriate headers ..
– The description should include information about
the company and what makes it stand out and what is on offer.
– The content should also use references to
individual categories on the page (internal linking).
– Use words that can be used by users who are
looking for a given product.
– It’s worth using epithets and synonyms that will
expand the words for which the page is displayed in the search engine.
2. Content on categories
The texts on the page of individual categories and subcategories will saturate them with content, which will increase the number of phrases for which they are displayed in search results.
– Total text length: 250-300 words.
– Uniqueness is also very important
here – copying from other sites is not recommended.
– In this case, remember also about
proper formatting: division of descriptions with headings, placing in them
bolds and skews containing the name of the category, their distinguishing
features and relevant information for users.
– In the content it is also worth
adding internal linking to product pages or other categories.
– The content should contain
information about:
a) the category to which it relates
(the main keyword will usually be its name),
b) differentiators by which users
can search for products in this category,
c) producers of goods in this
category (it is worth to name them at least),
d) major products or related categories.
3. Content on products
The content on the products will be created analogous to the category, but they will differ in terms of substance.
– Total text length: 200 words.
– Uniqueness once again. The content should not only be copied from manufacturers’ websites, but also should not be repeated within the store – for similar products of the same brand it is worth using paraphrase.
– It is advisable to divide the content with H2 headings, it may also include a few italics and bolds on the keywords, i.e. usually the name of the product.
– The description should be a combination of user-friendly and search engine-friendly content.
– Remember to link to products from other related categories.
– The content should contain information about:
a) the type of product (what is: boys pants, dress),
b) distinguishing features, after which users can search for the product (color, material, size / size, other characteristics),
c) the producer (it is important that his name appears),
d) the specific model name should also be included.
Our entire article is mainly based on one simple principle: the content on the page should be unique. In this way, we eliminate content duplication that is severely punished by Google robots. It is also important for users who, once again encountering the same product descriptions, feel frustrated, resulting in leaving our online store. There is also a risk that the text we copy, e.g. from the producer, is covered by copyright, so there will be painful legal problems.
The introduction of properly optimized content on the page is crucial for positioning. The result of adding content to the site is an increase in the number of views in search results, and thus also organic traffic, which also directly translates into the sale of online stores. In this way, we confirmed the thesis that content is king!
]]>Americans are one of the busiest nations and for some life goes on to the rhythm of 12-hour work, short free time and sleep. Leading such a lifestyle, it is very difficult to find time to read long advertising texts, carefully study the benefits of products or learn about the detailed history of the company. You should also take into account the fact that youtube is the second largest internet search engine in the world, and many people looking for information or advice, will choose video-guides rather than long blocks of texts. Among others That is why it is worth thinking about video content marketing strategy, which can bring a real increase in company profits and greater recognition.
Similarly to traditional text advertising forms, video content marketing is used to promote the brand, create a coherent image of the company and products, and engage the recipients appropriately. However, visual materials have the advantage over “Gutenberg’s invention” that they are much easier to code in the minds of buyers and can be shared freely. Marketing videos can also stimulate customers to create their own materials, which will tie them to a particular brand more. Video marketing content should not be identified with advertising spots, which since the 1940s began to appear on television and from the beginning had to use the abbreviation due to high antenna prices.
This type of online marketing can afford to play with form or longer materials (although the internet also likes speed – according to research, recipients believe that the perfect instructional video should have about a minute). He can also take various formulas – from an interesting story about the company’s beginnings, through the so-called testimonials and ending with interesting reports. Thanks to such activities, you can escape from the marketing cliché and establish a positive relationship with the client – when an advertising film is published on Youtube, it can be rated, commented and shared, which promotes interaction with the recipients.
To attract customers thanks to video marketing, you need to spend more money than is the case with written forms of promotion, which are ordered for a small amount of money in content agencies. Of course, you can try to run an effective video marketing campaign yourself – but you’ll need the right ideas, scripts, equipment, actors and a lot of free time. Ordering an interactive agency film strategy is not cheap, but the game is worth the candle, because 74% of customers reveal that they once made a purchase after watching the video materials published by the company.
Video content marketing is developing so rapidly that it has already acquired its own genres. The most popular of them are:
Tutorials – Many private Youtube users decide to share their knowledge by recording tutorial videos from their favorite areas. Some gentlemen talk about how to lay tiles, some ladies give advice on makeup or fashion. Your company can also share with the recipients various video guides related to your industry. By giving the customer something of their own, the image of his brand warms up.
Testimonials – this type of advertising video material invites its real customers who are already kind of lovers of your brand. An honest story about your relationship with a given product or service and about the life changes that have been made thanks to them makes an impression on the recipients. If such material is implemented in an unpretentious way, it is easy to convince new customers thanks to it.
Funny / emotional movies – nothing draws the attention of the recipients like emotional and humorous advertising materials. Such movies can be very short and good, as if they were an incentive for the recipients to create their own materials. With a little luck, you can create a low-cost series that will be viral.
Reportages – this type of video content marketing activity requires a lot of investment and is intended for larger companies. In this type of materials, a scrap of reality associated with the brand is selected and the reportage is based on it. It does not display the strength of its company’s assets or products, but shows an interesting history of a man, place or phenomenon, talking about his brand only casually. Recipients respect content that is not just a marketing shell.
Research clearly shows how much internet users are focused on receiving video materials and content marketing texts are less important to them. In order to increase the recognition of your brand and the number of visits to the company website, it is worth investing in effective video content marketing.